campus academics
Academic Advising
Learn about your academic support network while in college.
$275 per credit hour
Accredited by HLC & ABHE
Can be done entirely online
Classes can transfer
academic advising
As a teaching and mentoring college, we work hard to make quality advising and counseling available to our students. While faculty focus mainly on academic advisement, often students seek counsel from academic advisors related to difficulties in other areas.
When students are feeling overwhelmed because they are taking challenging classes and trying to work a full-time job, the pressure tends to affect more than academics. Emotional difficulties might surface. Relationships might suffer. Spiritual vitality may be sapped. The student’s advisor knows the most about these matters and is therefore in a good position to help. To find your advisor, contact your division.
Contact Our Office
- Email – [email protected]
- Call – (513) 763-6565
- Text – (513) 402-chat (2428)